Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Missing the Forest for the Trees

I just completed grading your "comparison" homework and have posted the grades.

There is a figure of speech called "missing the forest for the trees." This means that one can get caught up in the details of a problem without really understanding the real issues that are involved.

An example of "missing the forest for the trees" is your homework.
  • Why do we reexpress data?
We reexpress to equalize the spreads between batches.
  • But why do we care about equalizing spreads?
We care about equalizing spreads since we wish to make a simple comparison between batches.
  • What is a simple comparison?
A simple comparison is saying that one batch is, say, 5 units large than another batch.

If you don't conclude your analysis with a simple comparison, then all of your work (finding 5-number summaries, constructing a spread vs level plot, reexpressing, etc) is for NOTHING.

In other words, MAKING A USEFUL INTERPRETATION (in this case, a useful comparison) is EVERYTHING.

A few of you were successful in making simple comparisons in your homework and I congratulate you if you got a 30/30 on the comparing batches homework.

Remember, don't forget to look for the forest.

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